Sunday, September 15, 2024

Intersection Issues

Let me give you some helpful hints about how you should be driving. You're welcome. 

There are obviously some really bad driving techniques. I'll asssume you know about the obvious ones - speeders, people that drink and drive, etc. Lets drill down to some of the finer points, and in a related note, things that really bug me. These all happen to involve issues at intersections, but that probably isn't a coincidence. I'm guessing that is where a large number of accidents occur. 

1.) When at an interseection, often the light turns green and people just sit there a couple of seconds, then slowly accelerate. Those are often the same peple that a few seconds later are speeding and/or right on your bumper because they're in such a huge hurry. By the way, instead of just brake lights, cars should have the ability to fash messages. Nothing rude. Stuff like "Please stop tailgating me", "Use your turn signal next time", "Baby on board", etc.

2.) Another intersection situation. You're going through an intersection and turning left onto a road which has two lanes in each direction. You should go into the closest lane. Many don't do that. Its in the driver's mandual. You can check it out. This is important because there are cars facing you across the intersection that want to make a right turn, but they can't because you went there. I'm surpised thare aren't more collisions from that.

3. Don't go through yellow lights if you can reasonably stop. Lots of people figure that if they start across on yellow, even if it turns red while they're coming though, they're OK. But once it turns red, the pedestrian gets a walk signal. Pedestrians shouldn't have to pay attention to their signal and dodge cars at the same time. This isn't just about the danger to pedestrians, though. Its just rude. "It's more important that I get to where I'm going than you getting to where you're going. So I can make you wait until I get through the intersection." Incidently, I bet people cheat on the intersections sometimes because they are frustrated from the pokey people in my point #1. 

Doing what I can to make this a safer world. Again, you're welcome.

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