Saturday, March 2, 2024


 I finished reading the book "Oppenheimer". I bought it thinking I could read parts of it and possibly even the whole thing. It's almost 600 pages. A few years ago I told myself I would read a maximum of two 400+ page books a year. I like to read, but people need to learn to edit themselves. I have stuff to do.

I see a book that looks really interesting, but its massive and I know it will take me forever, because 1.) It's so big, 2.) I start daydreaming and then have to reread, 3.) I fall asleep.

Even at my best, I'm not a super fast reader. They've studied those speed reading courses and found they really don't work like they say. It would be fun, though, to be able to read that fast. Once of my favorite quotes is by Woody Allen, "I just finished reading War and Peace. It was something about Russia." That's pretty close to my comprehension level.

There is a book about George III that I would l really like to read sometime. I'm afraid it would take me weeks or end up being "something about England."

Some authors just can't seem to help themselves. They do research and if they discover something about a person's life, its going in the book. There's a guy that is writing about Lyndon Johnson. He's written four books so far. Big books. He's got to be like three thousand pages in. There is at least one more coming. In the last book, Johnson has barely got to be president. I admire the author's dedication, but come on.

I was going to write about the Oppenheimer book today, but I got side tracked by my rant about big books. I'll do that next time.


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