Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Barry Bonds

I spoke to this issue in my last post. Let me explain a little more why I hate Barry Bonds. He has the
most home runs in a single season and for a career. Some claim he started taking steroids halfway through is career. Could such a thing be possible?

Exhibit A - Most players' statistics are going down in their mid-30's. How about Barry? He seems to have gotten a second wind somehow. If you prorate his seasons, figuring a conservative 550 at bats per season, this is how Barry did starting from age 34 through 40 - Home run totals of 53, 66, 84, 63, 63, 66, 65. Keep in mind that for the first hundred plus years of baseball, no one had hit more than 61.

Exhibit B - Before age 34 (prime years for players), Barry never had a year as good as those from ages 34 to 40. (Also, his early 30's is when others have said he started using steroids.)

Exhibit C - In his last season ,at age 42, he hit 28 home runs. (Prorated, it would have been 45 home runs.) How did non-cheaters do at age 42?

Hank Aaron had 10 home runs.
Willie Mays had 6
Babe Ruth retired at age forty. That year he hit 6.
Mickey Mantle had been retired for six years.
Ted Williams - Retired at age forty-one.

Is that all I got? Exhibits A, B, and C. Oh no. There's more. A lot more.

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